Offers and Discounts

Offer for Returning Customer
Get 10% discount on every new order.
- One offer redeemable per order
- Offer valid for all type of assignments except dissertations and programming tasks
- Offer is valid only for assignments having deadline of more than 3 days
Offer for Bulk Order
Get 1 free assignment on placing an order of 3 or more copies of the same assignment
- One offer redeemable per order
- Offer valid for all type of assignments except dissertations and programming tasks
- Offer is valid only for assignments having deadline of more than 7 days.

Gold Offer
Get 10% cashback on an order of $1000/month
- One offer redeemable per order
- Offer valid for all type of assignments except dissertations and programming tasks
- Offer is valid only for assignments having deadline of more than 7 days.
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